Desmond Gayle
Sabrina Gayle

The Evangelism Ministry of All Nations Apostolic Tabernacle promotes all evangelistic efforts within the assembly with a special emphasis on reaching the Jamaica community with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. To support the overall mission of All Nations Apostolic Tabernacle, we support evangelistic activities in several areas including Home Bible Studies, Prison Ministry, Tract Distribution Ministry, Parks & Subway Ministry, Homeless Shelter Ministry, and Nursing Home Ministry.
Home Bible Studies serve as vital tools to witness to those who desire to hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Working in close partnership with our Zonal Ministry, we schedule ministers from our assembly to teach bible studies in the comfort of one’s home. Our Nursing Home ministry also affords us a powerful opportunity to minister to individuals with infirmities who would otherwise be in a church service if able.
Home Bible Studies serve as vital tools to witness to those who desire to hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Working in close partnership with our Zonal Ministry, we schedule ministers from our assembly to teach bible studies in the comfort of one’s home. Our Nursing Home ministry also affords us a powerful opportunity to minister to individuals with infirmities who would otherwise be in a church service if able.
One of the annual highlights for our ministry is the JAMS festival which is hosted by our local Business Development Zone during the first Saturday of August. We have a station on Jamaica Avenue, and we pray and preach to all the passersby. We promote the work of missions, both global and domestic, during the first Sunday of the month. We find it imperative that our members are connected not just with what happens in our communities, but also to apostolic brothers and sisters the world over. We raise funds for the cause of missions using programs such as Partners in Missions (PIM) and I AM Global for our global missionaries, and Christmas for Christ (CFC) for our North American missionaries and church planters. In supporting these endeavors both locally and globally, we are doing our part to “reach the lost at any cost”.