
                  YOUTH PASTOR

                                           Dorion Norton Jr.


The Youth Ministry of All Nations Apostolic Tabernacle seeks to empower young people in their walk with the Lord Jesus Christ with biblically-based teaching and an emphasis on prayer. In so doing, our youth will be equipped to engage our culture head-on with full confidence in their God. Throughout the month we hold youth services on Fridays where our young people minister and take the lead. We also have youth-led prayer meetings on Mondays as a time for devotion and dedication to our Lord Jesus Christ. The Youth Ministry seeks to develop our youth for Kingdom service in various ways including involvement in preaching, teaching, and other areas of ministry such as Audio/Visual, Music, and Multimedia.

Throughout the year, we host events to foster community and build fellowship with our youth. Whether it be game night, a summer walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, or our annual Labor Day weekend sports day, we offer our youth many opportunities for connection. We also labor to connect our young people with the global harvest of souls through such fund-raising programs as Move the Mission, where we donate funds towards the purchase of vehicles for foreign missionaries and property grants for domestic church planters. We are also committed to bible study and scriptural memorization through the great program of Bible Quizzing. Ultimately, we believe that if we can keep our young people biblically connected to God and one another, then we will help to ignite Godly passion among our youth and have a thriving church.


Friday 7:45pm

Join us for Youth Service!
We have services twice a month on Fridays at 7:45pm.
  These services are dedicated to share, express, and communicate biblical knowledge in practical ways to help apply them to our lives.

Monday 7:45pm

We meet on Mondays once a month for prayer at 7:45pm.
Prayer is essential in the unification of our youth body.
Join us on Google meets for faith lead prayer and Bible studies.


Come Join Us!

If you're looking for a community of young people with a passion for the things of God,
Persistence in fellowship with one another, and reliable connections, ANAT Youth is here for you!