Dorion Norton Jr.

The Office of Communications (OoC) supports all the ministries of All Nations Apostolic Tabernacle in their promotions and connection with the assembly at large. We also oversee promotions to the outside community. The OoC operates in two primary functions: (1) External Relations, and (2) Internal Relations.
On the external side, we promote our services through various social media platforms, streaming our live Sunday services and Wednesday bible studies. The streaming aspect of our services has become vital in our outreach efforts as many individuals tune-in from across world to view our services. Our Audio Engineering & Livestream division is vital in this area. As such, while we minister to hundreds in the building on any given Sunday morning, we minister to several hundred more throughout the week during our live and replay broadcasts. Another vital aspect of our external strategy is our church website. Just recently, we have seen a steady rise in first-time visitors who have heard about our assembly through searching and finding our website.
On the internal side of our strategy, we cover a large swath of areas including Creative Services, Media Relations, Guest Relations, Greeting Ministry, Usher Ministry, & Editorial services. Whether it is a greeter opening the door and welcoming you with a warm “Praise the Lord!”, or an usher leading you to your seat, the Office of Communications has its touch.
Finally, we work closely with the Pastoral Office to clearly communicate our pastor’s vision for the assembly and to plan our weekly services.
On the external side, we promote our services through various social media platforms, streaming our live Sunday services and Wednesday bible studies. The streaming aspect of our services has become vital in our outreach efforts as many individuals tune-in from across world to view our services. Our Audio Engineering & Livestream division is vital in this area. As such, while we minister to hundreds in the building on any given Sunday morning, we minister to several hundred more throughout the week during our live and replay broadcasts. Another vital aspect of our external strategy is our church website. Just recently, we have seen a steady rise in first-time visitors who have heard about our assembly through searching and finding our website.
On the internal side of our strategy, we cover a large swath of areas including Creative Services, Media Relations, Guest Relations, Greeting Ministry, Usher Ministry, & Editorial services. Whether it is a greeter opening the door and welcoming you with a warm “Praise the Lord!”, or an usher leading you to your seat, the Office of Communications has its touch.
Finally, we work closely with the Pastoral Office to clearly communicate our pastor’s vision for the assembly and to plan our weekly services.